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Re: Probe for unannounced web servers in a domain?

On Feb 19,  3:46pm, Prentiss Riddle wrote:
> Subject: Probe for unannounced web servers in a domain?
> I am looking for tools and/or methods for discovering unannounced web
> servers in my domain, a typical heterogeneous unfirewalled university
> site.
> My motivation is partly security (to turn over as many rocks as I can
> and see what wriggles out) and partly to automatically publicize
> legitimate servers that students or departments may have set up on
> their own machines.
{stuff deleted}
>-- End of excerpt from Prentiss Riddle

Keep in mind that some folks may have intentionally not advertised their web
server, especially if they are running on non-standard port numbers (e.g. 80,
8080).  I'd be careful about 'automatically' publicizing  servers.


Kenneth E. Rowe			kerowe@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Senior Security Engineer /	(217) 244 5270 (office)	
           Security Coordinator	(217) 244 0710 (IRST)
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
*** email irst@ncsa.uiuc.edu for computer incident response ***
